Opdateret d.21-11-2005 06:58:50 .2005
Udstilling d 19-11-2005 i Vig, Sjælland
Udstilling d 19-11-2005 i Vig, Sjælland
Dommer: Wilfried Peper, D
Unghundeklasse hanner Kat nr: 14
Litchi Chow Jackpot
Typical dog, very good head, underjaw a little narrow, the caninus too narrow,
very good topline and front, exellent porpotions, hindquaters and feet,
correckt chest for his age, excellent tail, correct coat.
Moves fluendly, a little bit loose in front.
2 Pr
Udstilling d 19-11-2005 i Vig, Sjælland
Dommer: Wilfried Peper, D
Mellemklasse hanner Kat nr: 16
Litchi Chow FengShui
Masculin dog, excellent head, excellent topline, porpotions, angulations, feet and tail,
correct chest for his age, lovely coat, typical mover, still a little loose in front.
1 Pr, 1 Pl, CK, BIK 4